Wednesday, June 3, 2009

fingers vs spoon and folk

Are u more comfortable in using ur fingers over spoon and folk. As for me, i feel more comfortable using spoon and folk but am always reluctant to use the utensils provided in the restaurants. Should I resort to using fingers. But it also requires washing before and after. I little bit of a hassel but end of the day it is ur own hands. Nobody would have licked it and u don't question whether it is washed properly. anyways just a point to ponder but I will STILL be using spoon and folk and if u see me hesitant, I am thinking of the other option.


  1. To me it doesn't matter whether I use spoon or fork ! long as the food is good.
    Of course it also depends on the company !

  2. as 4 me, I prefer to use spoon & folk only if my food contains no fish or crab or chicken..

  3. In my opinion or myself sure i will use hand rather than using spoon and fork.
    can't bid the taste such u using the hand.
    and its more comfortable.
    sure when you are with professional you have use spoon and fork, sometimes they also will use hand..sometimes..
    but when you alone or at home just use the hand.
    its my point view...pls do not be misunderstand.....

  4. HARrrrrrri, what to misunderstand? hahahahaha
