Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Driving mistakes

What is the worst driving mistake u have ever done?
Mine would be trying to beat the traffic light and at the end decide to make a sudden break. If u ever see me drive keep a distant near traffic lights.


  1. Isn't it's Miss Shazra..you look nice and beautiful as always Miss...let get back to the topic...

    My worst driving mistakes? I guest sometimes I'm a little bit clumsy..especially when i'm late to the workplace etc..guest what..one day..i'm over park my car and my car was crashed to the divider..

    my front bumper was broke and it cost me about rm300 to fixed it..hahahaha..that the worst driving mistake i ever do..huhuhu :)

    P/S : Nice blogger background template Miss..it's look feminine... :)

  2. Azhar, good see you here. Not very nice when u have to spend a lot of money.
    Thank god I have not had any accident yet but I am pretty ignorant and assume the others should give me the way. Raja Laut is the worst place. Apart from traffic u have to concentrate on those people who cross as well.
